Handwoven Rattan Basket

Sanggaya IndoCraft commits to a proper manufacturing process to ensure product quality and customers’ satisfaction. Steps of our production process use natural approach, such as drying the baskets naturally under the sunshine. After harvesting the rattan, we put the raw rattan in a mud pool for four (4) weeks to get a natural grey color. The grey rattan is being weaved using a mold to get desired basket shape, design, and size. Our skilled and experienced workers work with heart to produce rattan baskets that meet international standards.

The half-finished products are being burned to eliminate fine fibers. We also cut the excess rattan to ensure our products are neat and presentable. Before getting into the QC check, we wash the rattan products to clean them from mud. We need to ensure that the rattan products are sufficiently dry. Thus, we either dry them under the sunshine or use an oven room (during the rainy season).

The products are packaged in two options: using a piece of paper or not. For loose packaging, we layer inside the container with paper to protect them from humid weather. The rattan products now are ready to be loaded into the container and shipped.

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